Trekking Club


    Students of today are leaders of tomorrow. The future leaders are expected to carry a large burden of solving myriad issues some of which cannot be foreseen today. Problem solving requires not only intellectual skills but toughness, perseverance, team building, communication skills and many more. This is evident from the sudden rise in health issues amongst young people. Rise in Diabetes, BP and heart diseases amongst young people has become very common. India will soon become the Diabetes capital of the world.

     Regular exposure to tough situations in an exciting environment can improve resilience and many of these skills. Further, the continuous physical activity in pristine environment will improve metabolism and health.  This leads to being amidst natural environment can give major rejuvenation for the mind and body. Besides, people come closer and bond better with each other as they have union of purpose.   
     Club imbibes basic human values like humility, being down to earth, respect for Mother Nature, leadership and organizing skills can develop during treks. Club allows to undergo physical hardships during treks can prepare one to handle career and domestic pressures with much ease.


  • Trekking at hills area
  • Forest walk
  • Treasure Hunt Hiking
  • Rock climbing training camps.